Vote for Ava Brock for our Issue 87 Scholarship & Cover Winner! (Thanks for your donation!)
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Ava Brock – Georgia
Nomination by Audra Brock
Photography by Juju Social Photography
Nomination: Ava Brock inspires me daily with her positivity, commitment to her personal and professional relationships and her desire to always be the best person she can be. Whether on the sideline cheering on our football teams for the past 6 years, supporting the youth programs as a mentor for young girls starting out with our sideline cheer feeder teams or as a fan, in the bleachers, watching and encouraging her friends while they strive toward winning, Ava has always possessed a strong sense of community, loyalty and love for everyone and everything she cares about.
What inspiring things about you does your nomination not cover?
Something that inspires me most outside of what was said in my nomination is my parents. Everyday I get to see them go above and beyond for the people around them. I have never watched someone put in as much effort and passion in the ways I have seen them do it. They are my biggest role models in life above all.
What else would you like to talk about?
My dream is to become an Interior designer one day. After I graduate, I will be attending Mississippi State University to further educate myself in this field to then hopefully become successful in it.
What do you feel passionate about or could talk about forever?
Something I feel very passionate about is my friends. Me and my friends have been inseparable since middle school, some even elementary. We have faced plenty of ups and downs together, but at the end up the day we’re always there for one another. There are no other people I’d want to surround myself with on a daily basis.
How did you find your photographer? What was your experience like? What did you love most?
Natalia has been a local photographer in my hometown for many years now. I first met her through my cheer pictures as she would come and do photos for the program. My experience with Natalia was nothing short of amazing as she was organized, makes you feel comfortable, and assures you that you’ll have a beautiful outcome no matter the circumstances. The thing I love most about her is her ability to make you feel so comfortable. She is so much more than just a photographer as she is one of my favorite people I have ever met.
Why do you want to be in Inspiring Teens Magazine?
I’d like to be in Inspiring Teens Magazine because I’d like to set a role model for other girls that might be in my same position one day.
What is a favorite memory with or thoughts of the person who nominated you?
My mom is my best friend and I don’t know where I’d be today without her. She inspires me everyday to become greater and I could never thank her enough for everything she has done for me.
Inspiring Teens is one of our "by teens for teens" productions to celebrate teens doing amazing things with their lives – such as the teen listed above!
Each vote is $5.00 and goes towards our scholarships, magazine production, awards, prizes, and other fun stuff that are included for the teens who participate in our fundraising and magazine endeavors. It also goes towards nonprofits and teen sponsored events as our extra profits allow.
We have given away over $175,000 in scholarships & over $100,000 to non-profits!
Thank you for helping us help them out!
* Teens must be between ages 13-19 and live in the continental USA to win a scholarship. Teens cannot win more than $1000 in a year's time.