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Carleigh Lipscomb – Alabama
Nomination by Jessica Brown
Photography by Monica Dooley
Nomination: Carleigh’s relentless drive to achieve excellence inspires everyone around her. As the SGA Executive President at her school, she also takes on leadership roles beyond campus, including participating in ALA Alabama Girls State and the Huntingdon Economic Development Program. Carleigh thrives on connecting with students statewide, forging relationships that extend beyond her immediate circle. Outside of her schoolwork, she dedicates her spring to paging for the Alabama House of Representatives in Montgomery. In her spare time, she’s deeply involved in her church, mentoring students and serving on the worship team at The Church of the Highlands.
What inspiring things about you does your nomination not cover?
Many people don’t know that I was introduced to music at a very young age. I’ve had the chance to learn several instruments, including the violin, oboe, and drums—experiences I’ll always cherish. One of my proudest accomplishments has been playing drums at church, where I’ve received positive feedback, particularly from young girls in and around the church. Despite a busy schedule, I’ve maintained a 4.0 GPA while representing my school throughout my high school years. I hope my story inspires young adults to realize that with hard work and determination, it’s possible to excel both academically and in extracurriculars.
What else would you like to talk about?
Although this nomination covers some of the extracurricular things that I am involved in, it does not include all of the young girls I have mentored through working at an Elementary school’s after school program, leading a 10th grade girls small group at church, and volunteering in the kids department at church. One of my main goals is to continue inspiring young people to pursue whatever dreams they have. I’ve had the privilege of speaking at both church and ALA Alabama Girls State, where I aimed to encourage those in the audience to always strive for success.
What do you feel passionate about or could talk about forever?
When I tell people that I am interested in politics and how our government works most people ask why? I assume it is because most young people are not interested in the inner workings of our government and what those leaders are doing to better it. What interests me most is the decisions those people make and the process it takes to step into office. I enjoy educating myself on state and federal matters alike and hope to one day use that interest and knowledge to shape me into a better leader.
How did you find your photographer? What was your experience like? What did you love most?
After Monica Dooley captured my brother’s senior portraits, and seeing the work she did for him, I knew that three years later, I’d want her to do the same for me. We took photos all around a small town in Alabama, stopping at places like a cemetery, a spot called “Africa,” and her aunt's charming southern home. There were several wardrobe changes, and her assistant did my hair and makeup before the session. I’ll never forget the moment when I looked at the camera after the first stop and just knew the photos were going to turn out incredible.
What is a favorite memory with or thoughts of the person who nominated you?
Jessica Brown has been a lifelong family friend of ours, however, last year I had the honor to be selected into a group called Student Leadership with the Etowah Chamber of Commerce. As the director of this program, I got to see her in a new light as she helped guide my fellow students. There, we had the opportunity to grow closer through learning about my community and the many jobs we offer here. We shared many laughs, especially when I pitched my idea for a Shark Tank assignment, along with many other memorable experiences throughout the year.
Why do you want to be in Inspiring Teens Magazine?
The best way to inspire others is by sharing your journey and platform with them. I aspire to become one of the few women with a career in both corporate business and politics. Being featured in the Inspiring Teens magazine will serve as a reminder of all I’ve accomplished early in my career. As I prepare for college, this opportunity would be a great way to put myself out there and kickstart a journey that I hope will continue for years to come.
If you win a scholarship, what will you do with the money?
In an effort to ease the financial burden on my parents, I’ve worked hard to secure scholarships to cover as much of my college costs as possible. This particular scholarship would help cover my housing expenses, as I plan to live in the dorms at my intended college.
Inspiring Teens is one of our "by teens for teens" productions to celebrate teens doing amazing things with their lives – such as the teen listed above!
Each vote is $5.00 and goes towards our scholarships, magazine production, awards, prizes, and other fun stuff that are included for the teens who participate in our fundraising and magazine endeavors. It also goes towards nonprofits and teen sponsored events as our extra profits allow.
We have given away over $180,000 in scholarships & over $100,000 to non-profits!
Thank you for helping us help them out!
* Teens must be between ages 13-19 and live in the continental USA to win a scholarship. Teens cannot win more than $1000 in a year's time.