Vote for Jolie Bolen for our Issue 88 Scholarship & Cover Winner! (Thanks for your donation!)
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Jolie Bolen – Georgia
Nomination & Photography by Beautiful Memories Photography By Aurora
Nomination: Jolie Bolen is a sweet and caring young lady. I watched her through the years coach younger children on her cheer teams and be an inspiration to the younger girls. Although her cheer journey ended, her work with children did not. She took 2 years of classes and became CPR certified to instruct younger kids in school. She thrives on creativity and has a passion for fashion. Her goal, after high school, is to become a Master Cosmetologist where she can share her creativity and eye for beauty with everyone.
What inspiring things about you does your nomination not cover?
I was given a gift when it comes to bringing out the beauty in everything. Whether its the bright, happy colors with interior design or the emphasis of natural beauty of another person, I love to create happy places & happy faces. I attribute that gift to my namesake, Aunt Diane.
What else would you like to talk about?
I coached the youngest groups of competitive cheerleaders, while competing on my own teams. i still love watching all my former athletes grow and succeed over the years.
What do you feel passionate about or could talk about forever?
I am intensley passionate about my future. After graduation, I have goals and timelines set and ready to go. College, investing time into my career, building a brand and clientele. I can't wait to get started.
How did you find your photographer? What was your experience like? What did you love most?
I met Aurora while cheering on the same teams as her daughter. We traveled around the southeast for years competeing with some of the biggest gyms in the country. We had some of the best times. Now we have just as much fun in front of the camera!
What is a favorite memory with or thoughts of the person who nominated you?
I was nominated by my photographer and family friend Aurora. Aurora's daughter, Lexy, and I were on multiple competitive teams together. We have gone on multiple trips over multiple seasons for competitions. Making it to Summit Day 2 was one of the biggest highlights for both of us. We placed in the top 5 teams in the countyr.
Why do you want to be in Inspiring Teens Magazine?
I am thrilled and humbled to have been nominated. I've watched so many other teens over the years show off their individuality through varous avenues. I'm so excited to have a chance to do the same.
If you win a scholarship, what will you do with the money?
If I were to win this scholarship, the money will go towards my college fees & investing my immediate future.
Inspiring Teens is one of our "by teens for teens" productions to celebrate teens doing amazing things with their lives – such as the teen listed above!
Each vote is $5.00 and goes towards our scholarships, magazine production, awards, prizes, and other fun stuff that are included for the teens who participate in our fundraising and magazine endeavors. It also goes towards nonprofits and teen sponsored events as our extra profits allow.
We have given away over $180,000 in scholarships & over $100,000 to non-profits!
Thank you for helping us help them out!
* Teens must be between ages 13-19 and live in the continental USA to win a scholarship. Teens cannot win more than $1000 in a year's time.