Vote for Sophia Grayson for our Issue 88 Scholarship & Cover Winner! (Thanks for your donation!)
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Sophia Grayson – Georgia
Nomination & Photography by Tiffany Grayson
Nomination: Sophia was born a super-preemie with a joint disorder and limb differential. She has overcome multiple surgeries to help correct some of her physical issues. Now a senior in HS with a 4.23 GPA, Sophia has worked hard, earning a scholarship and roster spot on the Carson-Newman University Varsity Archery Team, starting Fall 2025. Sophia is ranked top 30 in the nation for her archery classification and age by USA Archery and is reigning champion of several state tournaments. Sophia is an overcomer! She did not let her physical challenges define her and wants to encourage others.
What inspiring things about you does your nomination not cover?
My nomination does not cover this, but at the core of who I am, I am a child of God. That may mean a lot to some people and very little to others, nevertheless it would be untrue to say that I have made it this far is because of anything I have done on my own. God has guided my steps throughout my life; I would have never been able to be the person I am if I had not surrendered my life to Him.
What else would you like to talk about?
People often ask how I started doing archery. I actually tried it for the first time at a camp. Then when I started at a new school, they had a team that allowed fifth graders to join! I made the team and shot for seven years. I wanted to take my skills to the next level. Opportunities arose outside school for me to shoot even in the midst of some really difficult medical seasons. Last year I was able to compete at national tournaments and given a chance to shoot collegiately. My dream is to shoot in the Olympics.
What do you feel passionate about or could talk about forever?
I have always had an eye for art, and it has always been my passion. I started painting a drawing very young. Before I found archery and had a lot of my medical work done, I did not have the physical abilities to do many sports. Thus, creativity has always been a default and gift. Art, especially painting, is something that I believe was sewn into the fabric of who I am as a person. I feel like if someone were to look at my D.N.A, they would discover that it is held together by paint brushes and acrylic paint.
How did you find your photographer? What was your experience like? What did you love most?
My mother has been taking pictures of me since birth. She has always had a talent for photography, and I have loved smiling in her photos since I was little. I have always enjoyed seeing the memories she has captured over the years. One of the things I have always loved about the experience is that she knows me so well. It is always nice when the photographer can capture you in a photo, not just what you look like.
What is a favorite memory with or thoughts of the person who nominated you?
My mother nominated me. We have always been close, which is such a blessing! The memories I love most are the ones that remind me of her love for me and just how much. She took care of me during times in my life when I could not always care for myself. Looking back on those seasons, I can remember it being so hard for me to ask for help from anyone. However, I will always cherish the fact that my mother was there to help and support me even when I didn't want or know how to ask for it.
Why do you want to be in Inspiring Teens Magazine?
I have always believed that God has a plan for me and my story, and this is one way I can share that story. I want to be an encouragement and a source of hope for other people. I have been blessed with so many individuals throughout my life who have been there to encourage and support me. I want to use this opportunity to give hope and encouragement to others who may feel like they face odds that are too big to conquer.
If you win a scholarship, what will you do with the money?
If I win a scholarship, I plan to use the money for art supplies and books in college, where I plan to study studio art. I love the idea of doing what I was made to do in college, and this can be a way to help me do that.!
Inspiring Teens is one of our "by teens for teens" productions to celebrate teens doing amazing things with their lives – such as the teen listed above!
Each vote is $5.00 and goes towards our scholarships, magazine production, awards, prizes, and other fun stuff that are included for the teens who participate in our fundraising and magazine endeavors. It also goes towards nonprofits and teen sponsored events as our extra profits allow.
We have given away over $180,000 in scholarships & over $100,000 to non-profits!
Thank you for helping us help them out!
* Teens must be between ages 13-19 and live in the continental USA to win a scholarship. Teens cannot win more than $1000 in a year's time.