Congratulations Sarah Barksdale
for winning of the Inspiring Teens Issue 37 Cover
and $1000 Scholarship
with Icon Status!
Kaylin Rains for winning the
iTi STYLE Cover and $500 Scholarship
with Icon Status!
Other scholarship winners from this issue:
Kaylea Cantrell $500
Morgan Hernandez $500
Sophia Briles $500
Mackenzie Sydow $250
This issue is scheduled for release on October 31, 2020.
A link will be emailed to everyone featured in it and posted here as soon as it is a live link.
A bit about us – Inspiring Teens is an organization that runs teen leadership programs for teens across the globe out of our Warrington, PA, USA studio.
The magazine is one of our "by teens for teens" productions to celebrate teens doing amazing things with their lives – such as the one listed below!
We also host many teen events and use the magazine as well as other fundraisers to keep our leadership programs running so we can continue to provide these opportunities to so many well deserving teens across the world.
Thank you for helping us help them out!
*The winner of the cover was the teen with the most votes.
* Scholarship amount was based on 30% of proceeds raised from this cover contest.
* Teens do not have to participate in our fundraiser to be published and have already been notified how amazing we think they are.
* Additional proceeds of this contest go to our Teen Programs, Conferences, Prizes, and other scholarships awarded at conferences.
* Scholarship amount was based on 30% of proceeds raised from this cover contest.
* Teens do not have to participate in our fundraiser to be published and have already been notified how amazing we think they are.
* Additional proceeds of this contest go to our Teen Programs, Conferences, Prizes, and other scholarships awarded at conferences.
Who is featured in this issue?
If their name is in light grey,
click it to read their interview or article already featured on the blog!
*Teens are listed in the order they reached that level, not in the order of votes at that level.
IT Girl/Guy
Level 1 (5-24 Votes): Paola Mulero - PR Gracie Mitchell - IL Lillian Walker - MD Sydney Webb - NV Samantha Gruber - OH |
Featured Interview
Level 2 (25-49 Votes): Summer-Rose Churchhouse - UK Mady Johnson - MO Kayleena Agnew - IN Haylee Ann Thompson - MI McKinna Hogan - IA Bode James - MO Haley Page - KY Lillee Engen - LA Bailey Scroggins - IL Shayne Beaufait - MI Lauren Faria - TX |
Scholarship Eligible
Level 4 (100-199 Votes): Isabella Daspit - LA Mackenzie Sydow - NM Carlie Tuttle Bailey - AR Rylee Swygman - CO Magnolia Faith Rubinstein - FL |
Level 5 (200+ Votes): Kaylin Rains - AR Sarah Barksdale - AR Sophia Briles - MD Kaylea Cantrell - AR Morgan Hernandez - MT |